Task 2, ‘The Shift’


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Overall, this was one of my favourite tasks to complete. I really enjoyed working in my group as we all worked together well to combine our ideas and produce a good final piece. We chose to show a shift in emotion and did this my depicting an situation that involved a young girl deciding whether to stick to her healthy diet or not. I particularly enjoyed experimenting with the different shots we had learned, and think that the idea comes across well.


The final piece meets the brief set as we successfully combined camera movement, angles, composition and framing to effectively communicate a shift in emotion and then edited our footage together. One challenge we faced as a group was managing to edit our footage down into just 30 seconds while still communicating our chosen message. After filming, we found that we had enough footage for almost three minutes of film and so a lot had to be cut out, including some of our favourite shots. As well as this, some of the final shots were made without the tripod and think that this is slightly obvious when watching the final piece. However with this said, we managed to successfully use a range of medium and close up shots to depict a build up in tension surrounding the chocolate bar.


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